Our Nation has turned from God, taken prayer out of Schools and allowed other forms of “Ideologies foreign and incompatible with American values and morals” to now become common place in our society. We once were a God fearing Nation that stood on the Founding principles of our Fore Fathers. I ask the question? Where will we be in the next thirty years? Will we still remember the words “IN GOD WE TRUST?” -Stanley Adair - U.S. Senate Candidate 2020


The Wall-

The Southern Border has been an issue for years. This has become a National Crisis that has to be addressed. We can fix the problem by fixing the Asylum laws. Those that come to America must enter by merit. “We cannot be a Nation without Laws.” -Stanley Adair- U.S. Senate 2020



This is not an issue, it is a RIGHT! Every life is valuable.

I am proud to be a Pro-Life supporters 100%



-U.S. Senate Candidate Stanley Adair-


Support Our Veterans-

“We need to support our Veterans from the time they come home, until the time they go home.” I will make this my top priority to support the President in getting the care the Veterans, and their families deserve for life. “No Veteran should go uncared for.” - Stanley Adair-


Gun Rights-

I believe that, “We have the right to keep and bear arms” as the Constitution states . This is the right of every law-biding citizen. Banning certain types of Guns will not solve the gun violence in this Country. It’s not the Guns, it’s the people behind the guns. I strongly support our Second Amendment. -Stanley Adair- U.S. Senate 2020


About the man…

About the Man
Adair is a American businessman and Entrepreneur. He is a lifelong native of Northwest Alabama and has never been afraid of hard work. He began his career as a furniture assembly line worker and after learning the craft, would later go on to build Adair Furniture Inc. He has always Worked hard to bring jobs to Northwest Alabama. Adair has engaged in many businesses from a restaurant to a TV station. In early 2000’s he hosted a television show on DIRECTV and dish networks. He has visited many countries in his travels but always returns knowing that Alabama is where his heart is. He envisions a bright future for Alabama.